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Saturday, September 28th 2024
10:00 am
10:00 - 12:00 AM CET
10:00 am

ChatGPT & AI in the Workplace

As Artificial Intelligence continues to evolve, mastering the use of AI tools is becoming increasingly essential in our personal and proffessional lives.

Contents & Schedule

Inhalte & Ablauf

Contenido y procedimiento

01. Einleitung:

01. Einleitung & Employer-Vorstellung:

01. Introduction:

01. Introducción:

In this webinar, you will receive an overview of the fundamentals of ChatGPT and AI in the workplace. We will provide a concise history of AI development, focusing on ChatGPT, and offer insights into how you can utilize these technologies to enhance productivity in a professional setting.

02. Theoretische Grundlagen:

02. Fundamentos teóricos:

02. Theoretical foundations:

Following that, we will delve into the theoretical basics of AI. This section will cover topics such as:

  • What is AI? - A brief overview
  • Large Language Models: The technology behind AI

03. Praktische Anwendung:

03. Practical application:

03. Aplicación práctica:

This section of the webinar focuses on the practical application of AI tools, specifically ChatGPT, to increase productivity in a professional context. The following topics will be covered:

  • Prompt Engineering for LLMs:
    • What is Prompt Engineering?
    • The Four Basic Principles of Prompting
    • Additional Prompt Engineering Tips & Tricks
  • ChatGPT Extensions:
    • Plugins for Enhanced Functionality
    • Advanced Data Analytics
    • Custom Instructions for Personalized Use
  • Specific ChatGPT Use-Cases to Boost Productivity:
    • How-To Guides for Streamlined Processes
    • Efficient Copywriting
    • Enhanced Research Capabilities
    • Coding Assistance
    • Audience Suggestions for Real-World Applications

In addition, this section will also touch on the integration of AI tools such as Microsoft Co-Pilot to further enhance workplace efficiency.

04. Q&A + Möglichkeit zur Zertifizierung:

04. Q&A & Ausleitung:

04. Employer Q&A Session, Jobs & mehr:

04. Sesión de Q&A y Salida:

04. Q&A + Posibilidad de certificación:

04. Q&A Session and ending:

04. Possibility of certification + Q&A:

At the end of the webinar, you will have the chance to engage in a live interactive Q&A session with the coach and receive direct answers to all your questions. Our aim is for you to leave with no unanswered questions and a solid understanding of the basics of AI and ChatGPT, as well as how to apply these tools to increase productivity in a professional setting.

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to certify your knowledge after completing the webinar.

Webinar Description: ChatGPT & AI in the Workplace

Are you a student or young professional aiming to stay ahead in your field? Join our free webinar on ChatGPT & AI in the Workplace, specifically focused on how AI can increase productivity. This session is perfect for anyone looking to gain an edge in the workplace. Learn the basics of AI, how to effectively use ChatGPT in a professional context, address privacy concerns, and discover best practices, including an overview of Microsoft Co-Pilot. Start your journey towards becoming an expert in this exciting field. Sign up today to start reaping the benefits of machine learning!

Why Learn ChatGPT?

Understanding how to effectively utilize ChatGPT in a professional context is crucial for university students and young professionals aiming to enhance their productivity and communication skills. ChatGPT is a versatile tool for drafting and refining written content, including reports, emails, and presentations, streamlining the writing process and saving valuable time. Additionally, integrating AI-powered technologies like ChatGPT into your workflows can boost creativity and innovation, offering fresh perspectives and generating novel ideas. Mastering ChatGPT empowers you to communicate more persuasively, respond promptly to inquiries, and engage in insightful conversations, ultimately fostering better relationships with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders. In an era where effective communication and efficiency are paramount, harnessing the potential of ChatGPT is a valuable asset for aspiring professionals navigating the competitive landscape.

What Can You Earn with This Skill?

  • Freelance Writing Opportunities: Skilled ChatGPT users can secure freelance writing gigs for businesses, blogs, or media outlets, earning anywhere from $20 to $100+ per hour, depending on the complexity and demand for the content.
  • Content Creation and Marketing Roles: Professionals proficient in using ChatGPT can find positions in content creation, social media management, or marketing, earning salaries ranging from $40,000 to $80,000 per year, based on experience and expertise.
  • Consulting and Training: Individuals with exceptional ChatGPT skills can offer consulting services or conduct training workshops to teach others how to effectively use AI for content creation, earning fees ranging from $50 to $200+ per hour.
  • Chatbot Development: Those adept at utilizing ChatGPT can create and maintain AI-powered chatbots for businesses, charging fees ranging from $500 to $2,000+ per bot, depending on its complexity and functionality.

Why This Skill Will Become More Important in the Future

Having machine learning skills will become increasingly important for young professionals and students as this technology becomes more widely adopted. Machine learning is quickly becoming a valuable tool in many industries, and having the ability to use this technology will give professionals an edge in the job market. Understanding machine learning will equip professionals with the skills they need to stay ahead of the competition and build successful careers in the future. Utilizing ChatGPT is vital for students and young professionals aspiring to excel in their careers. It facilitates efficient communication, boosts creativity, demonstrates adaptability to evolving technologies, provides a competitive advantage, opens up diverse job opportunities, and offers cost-effective solutions for businesses. Ultimately, mastering ChatGPT enhances productivity and sets individuals on a path to success in today's AI-driven world.

Who Is the Webinar Suitable For?

  • People with an interest in AI and ChatGPT
  • Young professionals who want to expand their skillset
  • Individuals interested in learning new things
  • Those looking to further their education

Technical Requirements

  • Create a free OpenAI account before the webinar
  • A stable internet connection
  • An internet-enabled device (a computer, laptop, or tablet is recommended)

Join us for this informative and practical webinar to unlock the full potential of AI tools for productivity!

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Nuestro servidor de Discord de ELEVEL te ayuda a alcanzar tus objetivos y a conectar con personas afines de todo el mundo. Únete y accede a una gran variedad de contenidos exclusivos, recursos y comunidades que te ayudarán a desarrollar las habilidades que necesitas para triunfar. ¡Únete ahora y benefíciate!

Exclusive content, Q&A sessions, and communities

Our ELEVEL Discord server helps you achieve your goals and connect with like-minded people from around the world. Join and get access to a variety of exclusive content, resources and communities that will help you develop the skills you need to succeed. Join now and start benefiting!

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Larno Visser
Larno Visser
ChatGPT & AI in the Workplace

My name is Larno Visser, I’m a 24 years old Innovation Manager and entrepreneur from the Netherlands. I have always had a passion for communicating new technologies. This started some years ago where I made online courses about design for 3D printing and laser cutting.

But the past year I have focussed completely on Generative AI. I don’t just give talks, workshops and trainings on ChatGPT and Generative AI. I also help companies implement AI on their website or in their business through my background in Innovation Management.

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